Barry Minkow - A Journey from Fraud to Fraud Fighter

Barry Minkow started ZZZZ Best Carpet Cleaning in his parent's garage at 16, rising to fame as one of America's youngest self-made millionaires.

Barry Minkow starting ZZZZ Best Carpet Cleaning in his parent's garage at 16, quickly rising to fame as one of America's youngest self-made millionaires. But, beneath the success was a massive Ponzi scheme with links to the mob, leading to his conviction and first prison sentence.

After serving time, he made a pivot to ministry and community service, only to fall from grace once again, this time being convicted on charges of insider trading and tax fraud.  In total, he served 15 years. After serving his sentence Barry has emerged with a new mission, fraud detection.  He has since helped the government proactively identify 13 cases of financial fraud totalling over 1 billion in victim impact. Tune in as Barry shares insights into his life of highs and lows, the lessons he’s learned, and how he's navigating the path of redemption.

Up next

James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray - From Rock Bottom to Redemption

James Arthur Ray, who at his pinnacle was celebrated as a self-help guru with a New York Times bestseller and Oprah's nod of approval.

Series episodes

Brian, Fred, and Catherine - The Fight Over Forced Vaccinations in the Canadian Forces
Brian, Fred, and Catherine - The Fight Over Forced Vaccinations in the Canadian Forces
Barry Minkow - A Journey from Fraud to Fraud Fighter
Barry Minkow - A Journey from Fraud to Fraud Fighter
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray - From Rock Bottom to Redemption
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray - From Rock Bottom to Redemption
Michael Montoya - I Left my Foot in Ukraine
Michael Montoya - I Left my Foot in Ukraine
Dustin Diefenderfer - Beyond the Summit and Shaping Lives through MTNTOUGH
Dustin Diefenderfer - Beyond the Summit and Shaping Lives through MTNTOUGH

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